Juniper Well Ranch

Juniper Well Ranch is located 25 minutes from Downtown Prescott in Tonto Flats. Here you'll find ancient Juniper trees, as well as Cottonwood, Black Walnut, Pine, Black Jack and Gamble Oak and Manzanita. At an elevation of just under 5000 feet, the forty-two acre guest ranch has some of the largest and oldest Alligator Juniper trees in the world.

The ranch is surrounded by the Prescott National Forest and bordered on the east side by the Santa Fe railroad.

Wildlife such as mountain lions, bobcat, rocky mountain elk, mule deer, antelopes, badgers, jack and cotton-tail rabbits, javelina, coyotes, squirrels, and chipmunks can be spotted on the ranch. There is also an abundance of song bird species on and around the ranch. Including: road runners, dove, quail, pinyon jays, northern flickers, Clarks nutcrackers and birds of prey.

Vegetable and herb gardens at the ranch offer respite and reconnection with the natural world.